Here you can confirm important information regarding your players. 

Image Placeholder

The Ping column indicates how many minutes elapse between each ping that a player sends to Zynchro. 

      Tip: You can edit the frequency of the pings in System -> Settings -> Health.

Snapshots column will let you quickly see if they are turned on or off for every client and how frequently they are collected. The default configuration is once every 60 minutes. 

     Tip: You can temporarily increase the frequency of your snapshots on a per-player basis by clicking on the camera icon in
By Filter -> Content and clicking on the 1min button. It will turn green.

The Users column lets you know how many users you have in any client and by clicking on the blue button you can also see their names, emails, and type of profile assigned.

Locations indicates how many locations you have in each of your clients.

* The images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only and designed to be a representation and/or general orientation of the required steps and/ or existing system and are not in any way designed to represent or guarantee aspects of the project, software and or information from any particular unit or location.