Dayparting allows you to calendarize your playlists or presentations at specific times of the day or on specific days of the week.

Dayparting is a great tool if you wish to automate your content, weeks, or even months ahead.

In order to create a daypart, click on the New Daypart button. 

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Name your campaign and decide what content you wish to show if and when no content is programmed. 

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Select the block of time that you wish to program (you can drag your cursor down to increase the block of time or you can modify it manually in the window that will open when right-clicking), right-click and then click on Create New Appointment. 

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A window will open for you to configure the type of content (presentation or playlist), start time and date, whether it is a repeating occurrence, and other options.

You can also select a color for your appointment. Click save when done. 

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Note:  If you click on the date number at the top of the calendar and then right-click, the Create New Appointment window the All day option is preselected.

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When creating an appointment, if it coincides with a previously scheduled appointment, it will not be created and you will see a notification screen.

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You can edit any appointment by right-clicking on it and then selecting the Edit Appointment option.

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If the appointment is a recurring one, when editing, you will have the option to edit only that occurrence or all events in that series.

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Once all your appointments have been scheduled, click the save button on the bottom of your screen. 

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You can view, edit, or delete any daypart in the Dayparting screen by clicking on the corresponding button.

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* The images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only and designed to be a representation and/or general orientation of the required steps and/ or existing system and are not in any way designed to represent or guarantee aspects of the project, software and or information from any particular unit or location.